17 Oct

Rock, Paper, Scissors is a game for two players typically played using the players' hands. The two players each make a fist with one hand and hold the other open, palm upward. Together, they tap their fists in their open palms once, twice, and on the third time form one of three items: a rock (by keeping the hand in a fist), a sheet of paper (by holding the hand flat, palm down), or a pair of scissors (by extending the first two fingers and holding them apart).

The winner of that round depends on the items formed. If the same item is formed, it's a tie. If a rock and scissors are formed, the rock wins, because a rock can smash scissors. If scissors and paper are formed, the scissors win, because scissors can cut paper. If paper and a rock are formed, the paper wins, because a sheet of paper can cover a rock. After one round is completed, another is begun. Play continues until one player reaches a predetermined score, or whenever the players' boredom is alleviated. (Often this game is played to pass the time while waiting in line for something, or while on a long road trip [as long as the driver isn't one of the players].)

using namespace std;
// starting main function
int main(){
// set the char variable for the y/n while loop. I have learned since that a bool statement
// might have been a little better for the loop
char ch;
// set up my variables for the scores
int win = 0;
int tie = 0;
int lose = 0;
// start of game loop, the loop will run untill ch == n
int choice;
// Fancy printed title, well as fancy as I can do.
cout << "--------------------------------------" << endl;
cout << "-- Lets play Rock, Paper, Scissors! --" << endl;
cout << "--------------------------------------" << endl;
// Ask the player to choose Rock, Paper, Scissors
cout << "Press 1 for Rock, 2 for Paper, 3 for Scissors:" << endl;
cin >> choice;
// gets a random number between 1 and 3 and tell the player what was chosen
int ai = rand() % 3 + 1;
cout <<  "The computer chose: " << ai << endl;
// starts possible outcome sequence in rock paper scissors there are 9 possible out comes 3 wins 3 ties and 3 losses.
if(choice == 1 && ai == 1){
cout << "Rock meets Rock its a tie!" << endl;
else if(choice ==1 && ai== 2){
cout << "Rock is covered by Paper the computer wins!." << endl;
else if(choice == 1 && ai == 3){
cout << "Rock crushes Scissors you win!" << endl;
else if(choice == 2 && ai == 1){
cout << "Paper covers Rock you win!" << endl;
else if(choice == 2 && ai == 2){
cout << "Paper meets Paper its a tie!" << endl;
else if(choice == 2 && ai == 3){
cout << "Paper is cut by Scissors the computer wins!" << endl;
else if( choice == 3 && ai == 1){
cout << "Scissors are crushed by Rock computer wins!" << endl;
else if( choice == 3 && ai == 2){
cout << "Scissors cuts Paper you win!" << endl;
else if(choice == 3 && ai == 3){
cout << "Scissors meet Scissors its a tie!" << endl;
// this is what happens if the player doesn't hit 1 2 or 3
cout << "You didn't select 1, 2, or 3" << endl;
// displays your score so far and asks if you want to play again then clears screen
cout << "Wins: " << win << endl;
cout << "Ties:" << tie << endl;
cout << "Losses:" << lose << endl;
cout << "Would you like to play again? Y/N" << endl;
cin >> ch;
}while(ch == 'Y' || ch == 'y');
return 0;

Click on the below link to download the executable file of Rock Paper Scissor Game


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